It Lives!
It’s been a bit longer than anticipated in the procurement and commissioning of the latest revision of the Sleepy Pi hardware. But it’s all been good and the Sleepy Pi is ready to take the next step.
There was a lot of software that was required to be written and Raspberry Pi configurations that need to be setup before even the core features could be verified. Until you’ve seen for yourself a feature working you can never fully trust a design on paper. As an example with this, I needed to write a full Arduino driver for the Real-time clock (DS1374) before I could even tell if it was running!
Beta Program
I’ve had a great response to the Beta program with all the boards from this batch pretty much allocated. There are some really exciting applications covering a broad spectrum of application areas including:
- Remote Monitoring
- Remote Cameras
- In-car systems
- Animaal trapping / surveying
- Sensor networks
- Trail Cameras
I’m looking forward to seeing the results and feedback from these applications. Hopefully we can get some photos and application stories that we can put up on the blog, to show everyone.
Next few weeks
Now that the commissioning is drawing to a close, we shall be building and testing the beta boards over the next few weeks and shipping them out to the beta testers. There is also an lot of supporting information, code and technical documents that we need to put up on the website and we shall be chipping away at this as well over the coming weeks.
Watch this space…